Thursday, 28 April 2011

I simply CANNOT do that which I wish to do

Many years ago, as a 15 year old I sat in class listening to my Social Science teacher explain to me (and the whole class) the concept of "Opportunity Cost", being a teenager who was well capable of expressing my view point, and challenging those viewpoints delivered to me as "facts" resulted in an interesting discussion.  A discussion which I suspect that my teacher found frustrating.

I simply could not grasp how choosing ONE thing over another was the "Opportunity Cost", that it wasn't always possible to have BOTH things.

And today, as I face having to cancel things that I said I would do, because I wanted to, but simply CANNOT due to ill health I am reminded of my somewhat childish perspective that I still have.  This is why my siblings considered me spoiled I guess, my attitude of I CAN have it all, and I will :)

In business, this is a great perspective, coupled with my determination, means that once I set my sights on something there's a VERY strong likelihood I'll achieve exactly what I want.

However, contrary to what I'd like to admit- and my continuing ill health is FORCING me to get this lesson, I CANNOT have everything I want at the same time.

I can have anything, but maybe not EVERYTHING in the same day/week/month.

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