It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post here.
Since I last wrote here I managed through trial and error of diet, and access to reduce cost therapies (deep tissue massage and a holistic therapist) I slowly gradually gained more energy.
Removing wheat, dairy, and grains, reducing carbs from my diet helped enormously, as did vitamin D supplements.
I managed to regain a life again, and then in 2015 I was hospitalised during pregnancy, my daughter was stillborn and a retained placenta meant I needed surgery. Unfortunately the surgeon did not remove the placenta, and that began 10 weeks of harrowing traumatic experiences of neglect by the medical profession. I ended up having THREE surgeries to remove the placenta, 2 of which I was told were completely successful, and I was told numerous times that it wasn't possible the placenta was still in my Uterus. It was the rotting flesh of the placenta which meant I had sepsis, was too weak for a 2nd surgery until I'd had IV antibiotics and blood transfusions for 24 hours...
I digress, I just wanted to do a quick catch up, the 2015 year of hell left me with a severely restricted diet - the antibiotics wiped out my gut biome and I had severe abdominal pain. Since then I've been on low fodmap diet, which is very difficult to manage.
My relationship ended in May 2019. I started dating again Jan 2020, then weeks after my first date, lockdown happened.
My support network I'd built around my professional expertise had been removed instantly. 2 of my closest friends disowned me because I made a choice to continue seeing someone every few weeks in lockdown - I live alone and had NO physical contact with any other human. I discussed with my GP, who was of the opinion my decision was reasonable, and my mental health was important.
So that's the recap, please read the next post for what I actually wanted to say :D
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