Thursday, 4 August 2011

what is being ill like for me today?

Today I woke up, about 8 hours after I went to sleep.  I was groggy for a little bit, takes me from half an hour to an hour for me to be fully awake.

then I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth etc, put on the kettle, made a cup of cadarmom and fennel tea. 
Then I went back to bed, got onto my laptop.

My laptop is what keeps me sane.  I connect with social media, I facebook, I tweet I read blog posts, I chat with people on Skype. 

I usually get distracted, start doing one thing, end up doing something completely different.  But that's how my illness effects my mind, concentration, focus, these are things that are often beyond my grasp.

I started doing a bit of washing up mid morning, had a phone call with a friend around 11.30am, so used it to motivate myself to do some gentle yoga- getting it done before the call.  I did that for 20 mins, lit my incense and candle and wafted some burning sage over me, whispering "I love you" into the sage.
The American Indians believed that you could talk to it- ask it what you wanted it to do, lit it, then the smoke would carry that energy & do what you had asked it.

There's been studies of how water molecules change depending on what words are spoken to them, so hey it if works for water, it might work for smoke too :)

after I had my call I started preparing lunch.  Yesterdays dishes still undone- because by the time I cook lunch/dinner I have no energy left for dishes.
I am grateful for what my OT calls my "Perching stool", because it means that I can prepare food at the kitchen counter, and watch over pots as they're cooking without standing.  Standing is incredibly draining and painful, I can't do it for too long.

as I was cooking I felt faint, weak, my arms and hands were shaking, I had to go and lie back down, I managed to get most of the cooking done so it could be left on a low simmer for a few hours. 

I wanted to get back to social media stuff, writing about coaching, and business stuff marketing, and branding etc, my passions but I couldn't.

I felt sleepy, but was unable to sleep, that half awake, half asleep state. 

my dog still hadn't been walked yet and it was 3pm :(

I had 3 hours of being able to do nothing except watch silly tv shows, at least I got a few laughs. 

Then I went to pick up my bf from the train station, walking to the car was hard work, I brought my dog with me, so at least she got out & got some fresh air and a change of scenery.  she's a brilliant dog, but I feel guilty  that I don't give her what she needs.

I cooked and ate, I brushed my hair at one point, but didn't have the energy to shower & wash it, as I had planned.

Oh, did I mention that throughout the whole day I experienced pain and aches in my muscles and my bones, and a constant headache?  That lifting my arms to put ingredients into the pot that I was cooking lunch in was difficult, that I had to rest every few seconds?

Today was not my worst days....  

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